Thursday, February 7, 2013

This morning we got to relax. I had an opportunity to reply to some emails and get a gallery up for a perfectly patient client. I so appreciate everyone patience as we are far away. It is a challenge to be working here and then to try and remember everything about home and business. Yesterday we hit our 4 week mark… 4 more weeks and we'll be home. I'm not quite ready yet. I will be honest though and tell you I have been dreaming of my feather bed comforter at home…

When the afternoon hit we got in the cars and headed for a hut village. A hut village is a large piece of land that the communist party has given to the people of India to make their homes on. This was a small one and a newer one. It was full of little huts made of leaves, and scraps, they have a small amount of electricity and they had quite a few green plants and vines which adds life to the area. 

Today's entertainment was the children's team. This team of 3-5 men travel to different villages and put on quite the show. The program consists of songs (today's was in English), magic tricks with a biblical lesson, games, a puppet show and even a movie at the end about how Jesus died for our sins. At the end they all get little chocolates. The kids love it and sit for over an hour watching and listening. 

We arrived an hour or so before the sun set and our presence there caused quite the distraction. Everyone gets excited to see Americans and always want to try out their English on us. Most of them only know "what is your name", "how are you" or "I am fine". But the Pastors reigned them in and the show began. We walked around and took pictures, and video of their activities. There were about 50 adults standing and sitting watching eagerly. They seemed to enjoy it and laugh as much as the kids did. The village is mostly Hindu, I did see a Muslim man watching for a time and then he left, only to return with his two children to watch the finally of the show. Typically when we go in to these poor communities they welcome anyone who will do something for them so it is a wonderful ministry opportunity. I have to admit even though I understand no Telegu the show had me laughing, and even just watching the pure amusement on the kids faces is enough to bring a smile to your face. 

- Carissa


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Redemption Ministries

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