Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Where to begin with such a busy last two days. Sunday was church, which starts at 10, scripture at 11, the chance for testimony then all four of us get up and say a little something. It lasted four hours long, with communion at the very end. It was a great service, and seeing them do communion was so cool. They had a special type of juice and Pastor Wilson's wife filled all the cups up right before. Everything was in Telagu, the language barrier can be difficult but it helps to increase your other senses. Even though we couldn't understand what was going on we could feel the presence of God and see him moving. A nice big curry lunch, and then off we went on a four hour drive for a Monday morning wedding. 
On Monday the wedding was supposed to start at 10:30 and didn't start until 12:00 but we got there at 10:30. Then it lasts about two hours. I would have to say the most entertaining part was the photographers/videographers. As you can see in my pictures below they were all in front of the stage with all their lights set up nice and big AND right in the way! Then they would go up on stage and have the bride and groom look at them in mid sermon, it was nutso! As things happened they would pause and all look at the calendar (mid-ceremony) to snap a 30-60 second image. It was very entertaining, and educational. Moral of the story in India the wedding photographers get in the way and in America we stay out of sight and in secret. The wedding itself was very nice. It was very different from any type of ceremony we have in America, typically they exchange bibles but in this case they did use rings. There was two different messages, three different prayers, four songs, and 3 different vows finished with a big thank you from the groom's father. At the very end they cut cake and then walk through us throwing flowers in the air (or directly at their faces if your kid with flowers in hand). I can only hope that the images tell the story of our crazy weekend better then my words. God granted me the gift of photography not of writing!

{click the images to make them larger and press your arrow keys to go through press ESC when you are done}

xo, carissa


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Redemption Ministries

All images and text copyright of Redemption Ministries. 2012