Sunday, February 19, 2012

When we went out on a drive to take pictures we came upon the little place below. It is a piece of land that has been here for a while, with mostly mud huts on it. There was just a few brick homes, no school in the area and just some tiny hut shops. The people were so welcoming. We decided to get out of the car to walk the streets to shoot some video and when we got back to the car where Jan & Harley were it was covered by people. He started talking to them, with the help of Kumar. And found out that none of the wells in the village work, and that the closest water source is a stream (which needless to say is not fresh water or clean). It was so dry there, the sun was so strong! By the end of our time we had walked to the center of town where Redemption will put in a new well. And the plans for the kid's club to do some little visits. It is amazing how God guides you to the places in need. We will be doing the well dedication, God willing, before we leave. So stay tuned!
The village from the main road.

Walking from far away with water on her head.

They asked for prayer, they had no idea who we were they just assumed.

A worn out well that hasn't been used in a very long time. | The communist flag, because it is land given from them to the people.

Ben and I walked away from the car and within a minute it was covered in people! | The new site of the well, center of town.

View from the car, one last picture.

Taken from the car window.


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Redemption Ministries

All images and text copyright of Redemption Ministries. 2012