Thursday, February 9, 2012

We had a very exciting trip. It feels like it lasted much longer then it really was, we left Wednesday night and got back this morning at 3:30 am.
We got on a sleeper train (pictures below) at 8:00 pm. It was described to me as a cushy board to sleep on, not so bad they had said. I thought the worst but was pleasantly surprised. We had an AC cart with two top sleeper spots, and the rest of the family was off in a different cart. Once we got off we had an 1 1/2 car ride to Bellary where we got to sleep for a bit and clean up at the local hotel. Let me take this moment to explain an India hotel. It is not like any American hotel you have experienced. Most are dirty. They mop the floor with dirty water, don't wipe down the walls, were not 100% sure they wash the two sheets especially when you find hair, a couple of ants and a piece of rice (this was one experience), and flying mosquitoes everywhere!
Back to my story, we were elated to be in the hotel, to have a western toilet (they go to the bathroom in a whole in the ground so to have an actual toilet is a joy), and a bucket of water to shower with. Then off we went to a church/bible training school building dedication. It lasted about 3 hours, filled with great words of praise and worship. This pastor had gone to one of Redemption Ministries bible schools many years ago. It was great to see how God has used him in this village and blessed him with this building. We are so excited to see what is to come. All of this was followed with a good meal of goat and biryani. Then we were on our way to pack up and start our trip back. On our car ride back we stopped so I could snag a couple of pictures of the sunset. The two little kiddo's below were at the building dedication service. That night on the train was so much better, slept almost the entire ride. But with that said was so happy to be in our own bed at 4:00 this morning!

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Redemption Ministries

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